
Terms and Conditions

Legally, only the French terms and conditions apply, not the English translation.

Terms of the mandate

The following provisions regulate the relationship between the principal and Ribes Design Sàrl. They are an integral part of the mandate.

Written Form

Any deviation from these provisions must be the subject of a written agreement between the parties.

Professional secrecy

Ribes Design Sàrl undertakes to carry out the mandate entrusted to it in accordance with professional standards, diligently, and to the best of its professional judgment. Ribes Design Sàrl is bound by professional secrecy regarding all sensitive information disclosed by the principal. Ribes Design Sàrl commits to adhering to best practices.


The copyright being inalienable, the graphic works on all media created by Ribes Design Sàrl belong to Ribes Design Sàrl, and Ribes Design Sàrl has the right to dispose of them freely, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Copyright and Related Rights. Consequently, the mandatary is not authorized to modify the design or details of the products outside of content without express permission from Ribes Design Sàrl. Ribes Design Sàrl has the right to assert its authorship by affixing its name or a distinctive sign on the produced media.

The files will not be transmitted to third parties, except upon written request or unless otherwise agreed, to prevent any inappropriate use or infringement of intellectual property. The creations may be used by Ribes Design Sàrl for marketing purposes to promote itself on the internet or other media.


The creations are the exclusive property of Ribes Design Sàrl and may not, under any circumstances, be reproduced, modified, or used in other forms without written agreement.

Execution of mandates

Mandates are carried out in partnership with the principal. Ribes Design Sàrl undertakes to carry out work as closely as possible to the wishes of the principal without assuming, however, an obligation of results. Ribes Design Sàrl also commits to providing the necessary advice to promote aesthetics, safety, compatibility, and compliance with codes in force in the positioning of the product. The choices of the principal are respected to the extent that technical possibilities allow.


The material provided to Ribes Design Sàrl by the principal must be in the requested format. In the event that Ribes Design Sàrl has to work on files provided by the principal, the working time will be invoiced. Damaged or incomplete material does not incur the responsibility of Ribes Design Sàrl. The material is stored at Ribes Design Sàrl at the risk and peril of the principal. Text sources will not be edited by Ribes Design Sàrl. Ribes Design Sàrl disclaims all responsibility for content and its formatting. This disclaimer also covers syntax, spelling, and vocabulary errors.

Reproduction Rights

Ribes Design Sàrl disclaims any responsibility regarding the copyright of documents provided by the principal. The principal declares to be the holder of usage and reproduction rights for all types of provided documents (texts, photos, illustrations, data, etc.)

External Suppliers

As part of the mandate, Ribes Design Sàrl may order services from third parties, on behalf and for the account of the principal, necessary for the completion of the project or any other document or material.


Ribes Design Sàrl includes in each mandate corrections to be made to ensure that the work meets the needs of the principal. These corrections are made according to the main direction chosen by the principal and agreed upon by both parties. In the event of a subsequent change in the order after an agreement on the main direction has been reached and it affects it, a new estimate will be established, and Ribes Design Sàrl reserves the right to charge for the work already done as well as the expenses incurred (materials, subcontracting, etc.).


Ribes Design Sàrl disclaims any responsibility in case of malfunction of the provided applications if the principal makes modifications. Ribes Design Sàrl cannot be held responsible in case of hacking of the website. Ribes Design Sàrl will correct malfunctions at its own responsibility within a period of sixty days after delivery. Ribes Design Sàrl ensures optimal responsiveness during the first two months.

Refusal of Delivery

In the event that the principal refuses to take delivery, Ribes Design Sàrl invoices for all work completed and expenses incurred. Ribes Design Sàrl archives and retains the work done at the expense and risk of the principal.


Ribes Design Sàrl does not assume any responsibility for data loss. A backup must be maintained by the principal.


An estimated quote is submitted to the principal. Surcharges resulting from changes (modification of orders, price variations due to inflation, price variation due to the emergence of additional constraints) will be notified to the principal in a timely manner. Ribes Design Sàrl provides documentation for all modifications.

Reduction or Cancellation

Fees are payable to Ribes Design Sàrl for each phase of work. In the event of a reduction or cancellation of the order, Ribes Design Sàrl is entitled to fees for work already completed and expenses incurred. Ribes Design Sàrl is entitled to compensation for any other damages resulting from the cancellation of the order and to use its work for other purposes.

Final Bill

For the calculation of its services, Ribes Design Sàrl establishes the final bill based on the estimated quote and any price modifications communicated to the client throughout the entire duration of the mandate.

Payment Terms

Ribes Design Sàrl issues its invoice at the end of the mandate. The payment period is set at 30 days without any retention. For estimates exceeding CHF 2000.– or extending over more than thirty days, a 50% deposit is required upon contract signing. Ribes Design Sàrl reserves the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect if the principal does not comply with these conditions.

Legal Provisions

Swiss law is applicable to the relations between the principal and Ribes Design Sàrl. In the absence of specific provisions contained in these conditions, the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), art. 394 et seq. regarding simple mandate, apply.


Any dealings with Ribes Design Sàrl imply the acknowledgment by the principal of these conditions, which are signed at the time of contract conclusion.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not said.

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