
Alan Roura : L’école du large


We are proud to unveil our latest creation: “Alan Roura : L’école du large”, a captivating book that traces the extraordinary life of Swiss navigator Alan Roura. From his early days in Onex to his maritime exploits around the globe, this book tells a thrilling story, enhanced by a carefully crafted layout and breathtaking visuals.

“This book is an invitation to follow his extraordinary journey.”

A Journey Across the Oceans “Alan Roura: The School of the Open Sea” is more than just a biographical account. It reveals how, before chasing records, Alan pursued lobster fishing. His true school? The ocean, where he honed his skills and resilience. From Switzerland to the world’s oceans, he navigated the three mythical caps of the Vendée Globe — Cape of Good Hope, Leeuwin, and Horn — a race that brought him into the limelight in 2016. This book invites you to dive into the world of this bold and determined sailor, whose adventure has continually pushed the boundaries.

A Carefully Crafted Work, Remarkable Artistic Effort This book stands out not only for its inspiring narrative but also for its exceptional design quality. In collaboration with Éditions Favre and Jean-Guy Python, we created a visually stunning work. Ribes Design crafted a layout that enhances each page, harmonizing with striking photographs that capture the highlights of Alan Roura’s career.

The attention to lithography and the high quality of the images enhance the text, transforming this book into a true work of art that takes the reader through waves, storms, and moments of grace.

Available from September 10 We are incredibly proud of the final result and look forward to you discovering this book. “Alan Roura : L’école du large” will be available in bookstores from September 10.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discover the inspiring story of a sailor who made the oceans his learning ground and his passion an endless journey.
